If you are short on storage space, consider repurposing an old armoire, which can be used for some super cool uses. If you don’t have one already, check out craigslist for some super cheap options that can easily be refinished for a fantastic look.
1. Don’t have a Pantry? Turn an old Armoire into a Kitchen Pantry
source: thebespokefulfurniturecompany.co.uk
2. Turn and old armoire into a BRAG WORTHY shoe closet!

3. Turn an old armoire into a Kids Toy closet
source: yesspaces.com4. Turn an old armoire into a Pet Supply Cabinet
source: bhg.com5. Repurpose an armoire into a crafting station
source: Liz Marie Galvan
6. Repurpose an armoire into a mudroom/coat closet cubby
7. Repurposed Armoire Desk/Office Station
source: unknown8. Armoire Upcycled Into Laundry Storage
source: unknown9. Armoire Upcycled Into a Bedroom Vanity
source: Country Swank
10. Armoire Upcycled Into a Swanky Bar
source: fabulous home blog
11. Turn an old armoire into a linen closet
source: armoire showroom
source: unknown
12. The most unique upcyled goes to this one – an Armoire Into a Bird Cage/ Aviary!
source: empress of creativity
13. Turn an old armoire into a baby changing table/station
source: everbrooke.com
14. Upcycle an armoire into an Art Station
source: unknown
15. Turn that armoire into a sewing/ironing station
15. Upcycled the armoire into a gift wrapping station

16. Gardening Center
source: unknown
17. Armoire repurposed into a Dress Up Center
source: aboutfamilycrafts.com
Superb article! It was of a great use for me and I even shared it on my recent blog post.
Love your ideas
I love all of these ideas. Frequently these armoires can be found in thrift shops for just a few dollars. What a wonderful collection of “how-tos” in recycling.
I love this I am trying to make a pantry and have lots of old furniture to work with and I really think with your ideas I can have a great pantry.
I’d like to buy an armoire open wardrobe Thanks
Love the ideas! My husband turned a large one into an “office”, we also turned one into a place to store the tv, when not in use, in the living room….we used to use it as a coat closet.